Monday, January 5, 2009

No Resolutions..

Date: 05 January, 2009

As the New Year began, everyone is expressing the joy of upcoming year. Everyone has enjoyed and celebrated the last day of the year 2008, I had too. What I think about 31st party is that, it is a cheerful thank to the year 2008, for staying with us whole year in each and every situation from which we have passed.

New Year's Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past, and more importantly, forward to the coming year. It's a time to reflect on the changes we want to make and resolve to follow through on those changes.

As my friend Rushit says about introspection, I also have some thoughts to share about introspection. Introspection helps to turns the thoughts of self-improvement and the annual habit of making resolutions, which offer the first of many important tools for remaking ourselves.

Resolutions are generated in mind most at the end of the calendar year.. No one resolute at the time of his/her birthday, it’s like festival of resolutions.

But I don't save resolutions for the New Year. I believe if there's a need to do something, it should be done immediately. I've never made New Year resolutions. Resolutions are surrounded by guilt. I don't need that for the New Year. When resolutions are not kept or not fulfilled then, it hurts a lot. And I have felt that.

New Year Resolutions... we rarely keep them, or even remember them...

So no more resolutions.. Just celebrate each and every day of this wonderful life..

Wishing you a smoothest and happiest new year..


Hiral Borania said...

it is nice to year RESOLUTION...hope u keep it all a long way.......... :)

D!shathebest said...

hi ! it is nicie to see ur long sight to see historical n traditional resolutions n i appriciate that !

Go Buddy........there is long way.... :)

D!shathebest said...

Anushka the best vadi comment mari 6 okie....

- Dsha